Retirement Fund Analysis Service Overview
Utilizing a combination of fundamental, technical, economic and sentiment analysis, ECAM's focus is to provide absolute real returns to member's portfolio accounts. ECAM does not receive commission for any fund products offered and can therefore provide unbiased guidance based upon extensive and ongoing market research and analysis.
Unfortunately many do not understand most advisory services (and the current advisory service provided by Emirates Airlines to its employees to provide guidance twice yearly) have no mandate to actively manage individual's accounts. Their sole purpose is to provide advice as to what they perceive to be the best investment choices given current market conditions at the time you visit them, but they provide no ongoing guidance or support as market fundamental or technical conditions change. As such, many individuals over the years have been surprised to learn (when they called to ask the advisory service about an update on their accounts given changing market conditions) that the onus was upon them as individuals (and not the advisory service) to monitor ongoing market conditions and adjust their individual portfolios accordingly.
ECAM operates differently. We are constantly analyzing current market conditions using a variety of economic, fundamental, sentiment and technical indicators. We endeavor to provide timely analysis on an ongoing and consistent basis in order to allow individuals the best opportunity to position their retirement accounts to take advantage of market conditions during bull markets (rising markets) and be safely in cash/bonds during bear markets (declining markets).
Our overriding commitment to our subscribers is to strive to achieve absolute portfolio returns irrespective of current market conditions. ECAM endeavors to do so by providing to members a "one-stop service" to assist them in the self-management of their various Retirement Scheme accounts as follows:
Market Monitor
Each day key economic, fundamental, sentiment and technical indicators are monitored and assessed according to a proprietary ECAM 5-Factor model. Any suggested change in model portfolio positioning based upon real time data is communicated immediately to members via a Special Report sent through email.
A weekly market summary is provided updating world equity, bond and currency prices along with commentary on current model portfolio positions.
An in-depth monthly and quarterly report is provided which reviews in greater detail the most important economic and technical indicators, fund prices and rates of return, currency updates and model portfolios.
Model Portfolios
It is recognized individuals have unique investment temperament, financial knowledge and investment goals. As such, ECAM will provide a number of different risk-adjusted model portfolios based upon a variety of risk tolerance parameters to give all members an opportunity to choose portfolios which closely match their personal circumstances.
Each model portfolio will be constructed based upon a variety of individual risk tolerances. These portfolios will then be updated continually based upon the 5-Factor model inputs adjusting for key economic, fundamental, sentiment and technical indicator changes.
Fund Fact Sheets
For Emirates employees updated information & fact sheets on each of the funds offered within the Emirates Provident Fund will be available (predominantly through Morningstar & usually much more up to date than those offered by Watson Wyatt on he company website). This will allow members to access the specific fund fact sheets associated with their chosen portfolio if more in depth information about the fund is required.